Peace is a state of being that calls for cohesiveness and
not division. How could the City have an event called Peaceful Plainfield held
at the library and neglect to at least invite the Plainfield Anti-Violence Coalition? An organization that’s been on the forefront addressing the issue of
gun violence and finding solutions to stop it from infiltrating our community.
Often, you hear the slogan, ‘One Future – One Plainfield’.
But shouldn’t we be asking, “Will there ever be a united Plainfield?” When the
City neglects to ask any participation from the Plainfield Anti-Violence
Coalition, much less formally invite them. Do they really expect us to believe
in their slogan? And yet, they advertise that many community activists will be
in attendance. Which community activists? Are they even aware of which
community activists and organizations have been marching and rallying since the
start of fatal shootings this year? Why do they choose to ignore a grassroots organization? Wouldn’t it be in the best interest of the City, that we all at
least strive to work in unifying to combat a strong issue in our community?
We do not have any political agendas. Our agenda is that gun
violence be taken seriously. We will continue to strive for peace, progress and
prosperity for all.
Plainfield Anti-Violence Coalition